Ok, I know that I am TERRIBLE about updating my blog regularly (quarterly?), and I am constantly "meaning to", but somehow it just doesn't get done.
Spring is always such a whirlwind time of year for us. Baseball season takes up a hug

e amount of time. This year was Ethan's first year of t-ball. Yeaaaaah... about 4 games into the season he pronounced that, "Baseball is boring, I don't want to play anymore." Anyone who knows Ethan,
knows there is no point in arguing. (
You know the baby-name-origins books? "Ethan" means stubborn.. wish I'd seen that before he was born! ;-) Anyhooo, he is now waiting for Soccer season to return, and leaving the diamond to Carter. Carter is on the "Sunrise" team this year, and really enjoying himself. The beginning of the season was a bit of a transition (up to a new league with older kids), and being the youngest and smallest player on the team was a bit of an adjustment. Fortunately, he has two really great coaches, and his playing has improved a ton.
Last week I chaperoned a field trip to the Pacific Science Center with the 3rd grade. After arriving at the Port Orchard Ferry dock at 6:15am, we took 2 ferries over to Seattle. On the Bremerton Ferry, many of the kids enjoyed feeding seagulls off the back deck (aft?) While in general I am not a huge fan of the gulls (too many childhood incidents ending with gullpoop in my hair), it was neat to see them flying at the same speed as the ferry, giving an impression that they were quite still.


Once we finally arrived at the PSC, we had a great time exploring. We also saw a laser light show, and an IMAX movie about the Grand Canyon that was really amazing. Of course, there is never enough time to see and do everything that we want, but we made the most of the time we had. One of our favorite exhibits is always the
Butterfly House. In all the years we've been coming to

the PSC and the BH, I have never seen so many different varieties all so active before! It must be the time of year, but literally they were EVERYWHERE. Flying, flitting, eating, resting, and displaying their gorgeous colors.
The brightly colored flowers made fabulous backdrops to all the magnificent colors of the butterflies.

Natural camouflage