Wow, we've had a busy few weeks! It seems like we all have a bit of an energy burst when that spring sun comes out to play... here are some of our highlights!

Baseball season has officially begun! Carter's team this year, the "
Glisson and Witt Crimson Eagles" are off to a terrific start! The boys have a lot of fun, and it's wonderful to see how much Carter's skills improve from year to year. He may not be destined for a baseball
scholarship, but South
Kitsap Western Little League.... Watch out!

Ethan and Bill got to go to the "Museum of Flight" in
Renton for a field trip on March 29
th. The boys got to see A LOT of airplanes, sat in a cockpit or two... and enjoyed an afternoon together. Ethan's favorite airplane? "The one that looks like a caterpillar"
hmmmm... wonder which one that was?
After Carter's game on Saturday, the boys and I headed to Salem to visit Grandma and Grandpa. The weather on Sunday was so terrific, Dad and I decided to do a little
letterboxing! We spent a few hours out at Willamette Mission State Park hiking and boxing. While we only found 2 out of 3 that day, we had a great time and really enjoyed the spring day. We also learned about this terrific "Ghost House"... a metal frame monument to the original mission erected in that spot a bazillion years ago. It's a really cool effect to look across the river and see the
roofline. Not sure when it was put into place, but in all the years we've been visiting this local park, I'd never seen it before. Thanks Maiden... for the education :-)
The tulip is from the
Deepwood Mansion garden... another
letterboxing trip this week.

On Wednesday we headed to Pacific City on the Oregon Coast. While it was still a bit chilly, it didn't rain and overall the weather was quite nice. The boys L-O-V-E this beach because there is a LARGE sand dune at one end that they can climb... over, and over, and over... Carter, Ethan, and Dad are walking toward the sea and Haystack Rock in the photo above.

Right near this favorite spot, there just happens to be a delightful little park we never knew about... until (yeah, you know what's coming!) we went in search of a little bit-o-tupperware. The story goes that once upon a time, a little girl lost 2 pet bunnies near the park. Let alone, the couple founded a dynasty, which today boasts several hundred wild rabbits in this city park and surrounding area. You can buy bunny food nearby and feed them. They are pretty tame... if you are quiet enough they will come up and eat right out of your hand! The boys were enthralled with the cute little critters! I guess this will be another must-stop on all future visits to Pacific City!
After returning home on Thursday, Carter had another baseball game. And, of course, Sunday was Easter! The bunny came hopping by quite early at our house. After Bill's nap, we spent the afternoon at Irene's house eating,visiting with Great Grandma, and playing games. This shot of the boys seemed like a great way to sum up our spring break. Much fun was had by all!