That's Whispering Thunder, Whodatscifiguy (in the middle, their daughter, but I'm afraid I didn't get her name), and Bookworm exchanging at the Spring Flinger.
A Hunting we will go... for tupperware, that is!
I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time AND boxing with Hooded Falcon and the Bald Eagle. That's Nailhead scoping out boxes in the background...
And, another highlight of the event was meeting the Famous Robb and Lisascenic, from San Francisco! After chatting online with Lisa all this time, it was wonderful to finally meet face to face! It's a great feeling to be a part of this community. Everyone is so friendly and fun to hang out with. Where else can you find a group of people, so very varied in age and background, that can come together with camaraderie like old friends, all for the sake of some slabs of rubber and a little ink? Yes, we're a strange lot, but I guess it goes to show that Strange has to stick together!!
Well, after the L-O-N-G day on Saturday, and spending the night at the wonderful Olympic Club hotel in Centralia, we also had the Cubscout Pinewood Derby on Sunday. After last year's roaring victory, Carter's expectations were awfully high. I was worried that this year's car (well, not-so-much car, but rather LARGE SLUG on WHEELS) might not maintain our one-year winning streak. But, alas... IT DID!!
Ok, 1st.. Sorry but I couldn't figure out how to rotate the pic... and 2nd.. see that yellow streak way out in front? Oh yeah... that's our SLUG!!
And, here is Pack 4523 Champion, Carter, with his speedy-banana-slug!!!!
(Nope, I'm not proud at all!!) Off to districts next month!
Oh, and I had a birthday, too. It was nice, quiet, and relaxing... which was Exactly what I needed after this weekend!
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