Every year, about this time, Spring peaks her head out and says hello. Ahhh, but she is such a tease! Pooof, she runs and hides behind Winter for another few weeks. Still, this is my favorite time of year... even if it is fleeting. I love the blue skies and how 60* suddenly feels warm. I love to see the green sprouts of my tulips and daffodils poking out of the ground.

Today was our 3rd glorious pre-spring day in a row. I spent the morning carving and playing with Ethan. I took him to preschool and carved some more! This weather makes me realize that Prime Letterbo
xing season is just around the corner, and I am just Itchin' to get out and plant! At 3:00 I walked up to pick Ethan up, and we walked home. We stopped twice to look at bugs, then raced down the driveway. Darn, Ethan won again! He is always in such a wonderful mood after preschool. Today, one of his friends, Madeline, made him a picture. He got home and wanted to make one for her, so while I carved he sat next to me and stamped away. My red ink pad may never be the same again, but by golly he had fun! After completing his masterpiece, Ethan wanted to sign his name on the back. Generally, this means "E", but he's really been working on his letters lately, so I decided to see if he could do more. With a little help, he wrote his full name for the first time EVER today! The signature below was his 3rd attempt, his FIRST attempt ALL BY HIMSELF! I was so proud I almost cried!

Way to go, Ethan!!! Woohooooo!!!
man oh man oh man oh man...your kids sure are adorable!
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